Sunday, April 30, 2006

CrustMobile (undeleted)

Looks like the Smart car may not happen in Europe (never giving up tho). So Team Crusty's ride will most likely it will be the diminutive VW Polo! ...or whatever the rental agency decides to give us at the time.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Get to know TC: Lil' Ed

Lil' Ed, although quiet, is known to be quite mischevious while traveling. His antics on trips have been a constant source of amusement and bewilderment for many of his traveling companions. Although he considers himself a skilled driver, his driving skills will be put to the test on the confusing streets of Europe. Lil' Ed is looking forward to chumming it up with his new found friend, G.Nome.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Get to know TC: G.Nome

A quiet and studious fellow, G.Nome is well known for his support of the Garden Gnome Liberation Front . He has gladly been a traveling companion of PolkaGrl for some time now and is often found hamming it up for the camera (although many times out of focus). His organizational skills are essential to Team Crusty on Mission:WWII. G.Nome hopefully have a good influence on Ed, although their common love of the liquored arts may become a problem.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Only 2 more weeks....

Holy crap! In two short weeks, Team Crusty will set off on our great adventure through Europe. After more than 7 months of anticipation and (sporadic) planning, it's hard to believe that it's almost time to actually go on the trip. Better start making the packing list (ha ha already wrote mine! And yes I know I'm a little, um, obsessive) and photocopying all of our travel info.

Oh yeah - we managed to take care of our last remaining hotel booking. So, in Brussels, we will be staying at the Hotel Galia one night and splashing out at the Hilton Brussels City for the final night of the trip (thanks to Hilton HHonors points!).

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

SLIM shirts

Just in case you want a swell shirt similar to what we we will be sporting in Europe, head over the store and pick up your SLIM EUROPE 2006 shirt. If you hurry you will actually have one before Team Crusty does. *ahem*

Friday, April 07, 2006

Uniform Crusty-ness

See, we are a real team... we have matching shirts even. Oh yeah! We're sporting the newer, slicker (slickier?) Team Crusty racing logo at last years ACC ride. And as far as you know, we won that fair and square!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Crustastic Music?

In case you all haven't figured it out, the little Team Crusty logo up the has both a on/off button (the lower left hand corner) and a music selection button (top left), Ed prefers the bagpipes. I was wondering just how annoying you guys think it is. Discuss!