Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Boulevard Lakefront Tour

It was perfect weather for a bike ride, and Team Crusty hit the streets of Chicago early in the morning for the Boulevard Lakefront Tour. The route followed the boulevards of Chicago in the early part, past Goose Island Brewery (a SAG stop, but no free beer) through downtown and down the lake, which looked gorgeous! The ride ended with an excellent lunch, some beer from Goose Island Brewery and some interesting music from Mucca-Pazza. Photos will be posted soon to see. Team Crusty decided not to try to win this event and rather use it for training for the next event, the fabulous 50 mile ride through the roads of Southwest Michigan! Go Team Crusty!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Woe is Team Crusty!

Team Crusty made a valiant attempt at the High Trek Adventure a couple of weeks ago, but got thoroughly stumped on one of the clues in the first set. Having headed to two incorrect locations and lost a great deal of time, we were unable to get to 5 of the 6 locations in the second set of clues.

We drowned our sorrow in a free beer (always good for drowning sorrows!) after the event. And amusement over the "Mouse Cake" on offer at the fine establishment serving as the base for the event. Many, many thanks to our Team Crusty Support Crew: Dad, Marcia, Dan and Mom.

You can see our great pictures here.

Next up for Team Crusty: the Boulevard Lakefront Tour (BLT) and the Apple Cider Century (where still plan to finish and win)! But wait, there's more! 2008 promises more, exciting races... and dare we say, a much larger Team Crusty! Stay tuned!