Alten Kirchen, Neuen Kirchen (old church, new church)

Had a wonderful German breakfast on the morning of the 14th. We left and headed onto the autobahn to Koln. Woohoo! Ed was hung over so CrustyBill drove. Landed in Koln around 10:30 and headed to der Dom, a huge, 700 year old church. absolutely gorgeous. Climbed the stairs (almost) to the top! Lunch was at a Brewery Beerhall, which was excellent even tho we weren't hungry. (picture to come) We didnt stay too long as we had to head north to Neuenkirchen around 3. Got there a few hours later and we were so happy to find it! We went to the distillery where Iggy and his company would sneak some drinks. It's expanded and still brewing. This was the best dinner yet, could not finish it all. Polkagr talked with the owner of the place (in German! I want credit for holding a conversation in German! -pg) and he took us to where the actual distillery and sold us a bottle for Iggy. Definitely the highlight of the trip. Drove back late and crashed in the hotel around midnight. Liege and Brussels next!
Hey what happened to G.Nome? You didn't leave him in that old beautiful church did you? After all it seems to be a perfect place for him. Especially since it's in Germany.
Or was he the one drinking the wine and maybe fell off and under the table?
Okay kiddies, those are two BEERS in the photo, not wine. One for CrustyBill, one for Polkagrl. :-)
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