
Brussels is great, lots of fantastic shops throughout the city. CrustyBill had a chicken sausage/frenchfry sandwich and Polkagrl had frites with mayonnaise for lunch. And of course.... beer.
Went to a brewery tour in the morning of Cantillon brewery, very nice place with delicious beer. Sad that the trip is ending soon... but don't fret, more is to come!
p.s. we are also bringing home some goodies, including..... beer!
Maybe some good cheese, bread and chocolate to go with the Beer? Yummy!
Looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow. Hope you picked up lots of pamphlets and information to read from the museums.
Have a good trip home & pick a safe plane, Call me after 8pm my time. That's when I'll be home from work. I assume you'll be too tired to call me when I'm still at work.
Never fear, Polkagrl has continued her tradition of brining home cheese that smells up her bag and the plane. Especially after sitting in the bag for oh, 20 hours yesterday.... eek!
Will you look at the size of that beer mug! It could easily double as a foot bath.
Mensa Anonymous
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