Team Crusty's European Tour Concludes

Well folks, Team Crusty has made it home (I think - more on that in a minute). We had a lovely afternoon and evening in Brussels, taking in sights, beer and waffles (I think CrustyBill had about 20!). We wrapped up the day with a beer on a restaurant patio in the town square, which was a tad chilly but beautiful.
No hitches getting to the airport or on our first flight yesterday... but after hanging out in JFK for 5 hours we ran into the curse that is O'Hare and bad weather. Our flight was delayed, eventually leaving at 10 pm and arriving in Chicago at 11 pm Central. Of course everyone else's flights had been delayed as well so there was an obscenely long line at the cab stand! Ah well, thank godness for CTA. We got to Polkagrl's apartment at 12:30 a.m., 24 hours after stepping out of the Hilton in Brussels.
Although Polkagrl was home, CrustyBill still had a ways to go, and after catching some zzzs headed to Union Station to try the new Megabus service to Milwaukee. Hopefully all went smoothly!
Glad to be home and have the chance to reflect on this fantastic trip. We saw so much that some of it has not yet sunk in! It definitely was a blast.
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