Funny moments

Travel always involves humourous moments - some intentional, some not. I thought we'd list a few of the funnier moments from our trip here:
- At the hotel in Paris, asking the desk clerk about internet cafes. She had no idea what we meant, until: "Internet? Internet? Ohhh, een-tair-net!" Apparently our French accent was off!
- The urinals in Verdun (see picture above).
- CrustyBill trying to subtly take the bartender's picture - over his shoulder - in Luxembourg.
- The big asparagus statues by the side of the road. Asparagus in Germany is white. Yeah, it looked a bit.... odd.
- Being unable to work the luggage lockers not once, but twice, in Belgium. We don't do well with Belgian lockers. Not funny then, but a little perspective helps!
- That huge Hoegaarden glass in Brussels! It was more like a bucket!
- That darn tour train! It kept following us.... and it never stopped! Where did it come from?!?!? -cb